The Fifth Elephant 2024 Annual Conference (12th &13th July)

Maximising the Potential of Data — Discussions around data science, machine learning & AI

Abhijeet Kumar


RAG Vs Fine-Tuning: Implementation Anecdotes from Data Catalog Enrichment Solution

Submitted Jun 12, 2024


This talk will take the audience through our experience from building a content generation solution for data catalog enrichment effort from modeling perspective (RAG based pre-trained model & RAG based FineTuned model).

For this use-case, I will talk about the approach taken to

  • Understand the data inputs in prompt
  • Enrich the prompt.
  • Construct a few-shot setup using RAG.
  • Finetuning Llama Vs Pretrained Llama, GPT3.5-turbo
  • Multiple evaluation metrics from monitoring and governance perspective.

I will talk about finetuning details suing LORA technique and will also compare the results from 3 models namely few-shot pretrained Llama2-13B, few-shot finetuned Llama2-7B and GPT-3.5 turbo.

The talk will draw various insights about behaviour of these models in terms of content generation. This also includes accuracy (with ground truth), alignment (factual consistency with prompt inputs) and toxicity detection.


Enterprise Data Catalog is a large effort in any enterprise to keep curated meta-data about the data for the user reference. This includes majorly writing descriptions about the tables and its columns for business consumption. This has always been a manual effort.

Here, we are talking about hundreds of database schemas, thousands of database tables and millions of columns in data-catalog. Often curated content is merely 3-5%. The objective is to enrich the data catalog using AI solution.

Intended Audience

This talk is intended for data enginners, data scientists or researchers in GenAI space and wants to understand model behaviour in different construct (RAG, Finetuning etc).

This talk is intended for data leaders, data stewards, data SMEs who are closer to enterprise data. The topic might interests as an initiative to enrich meta-data of data catalogs for enterprises.

In general, The talk will align to any professional working on Gen AI usecase with python.


  • Defineing the scope of Use-Case
  • LLM Solution - Design and Implementation
  • Prompt Enggineering
    • Prompt Enrichment
    • Few-shot using RAG
  • Implemented Models: Finetuned Llama2-7B, Llama2-13B, GPT3.5 Turbo
  • Evaluation Metrics and Interpretation
    • Bert-Score F1 (Accuracy)
    • Factual Consistency Score (Alignement)
    • Toxicity Detection
  • Learning & Challenges - Lessons


  • The solution improve meta-data coverage and intend to enrich the catalog by 25% from 3-5% (curated and prepared zones).
  • It saves time for data stewards to quickly curate content by 50% (notional).
  • It improves search over data catalog.


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