The Fifth Elephant 2018

The Fifth Elephant 2018

The seventh edition of India's best data conference

Deepak Mane


Big Data Forensic Analytics

Submitted Mar 4, 2018

Big Data forensics is a new type of forensics, just as Big Data is a new way of solving the challenges presented by large, complex data. Thanks to the growth in data and the increased value of storing more data and analyzing it faster—Big Data solutions have become more common and more prominently positioned within organizations. As such, the value of Big Data systems has grown, often storing data used to drive organizational strategy, identify sales, and many different modes of electronic communication. The forensic value of such data is obvious: if the data is useful to an organization, then the data is valuable to an investigation of that organization. The information in a Big Data system is not only inherently valuable, but the data is most likely organized and analyzed in such a way to identify how the organization treated the data.
Big Data forensics is the forensic collection and analysis of Big Data systems. Traditional computer forensics typically focuses on more common sources of data, such as mobile devices and laptops. Big Data forensics is not a replacement for traditional forensics. Instead, Big Data forensics augments the existing forensics body of knowledge to handle the massive, distributed systems that require different forensic tools and techniques


In Big Data Forensic workshop/Presentation , I will cover following topics

• Goals of a forensic investigation
• Forensic investigation methodology
• Big Data – defined and described
• Key differences between traditional forensics and Big Data forensics
• Understanding hadoop and its internal Architecture
• Data source identification
• Structured and unstructured data
• Data collection types
• HDFs Data Collection techniques using Linux commands
• HIVE/Mapreduce envidence techniques using linux command
• Analysis of evidence using Linux
• Preparation of reports
• Solution to fix issues.


Laptops , Forensic analytics software

Speaker bio

Designation – Enterprise big Data Solution Architect
16+ Years Experience in Industry (12 Years in TCS , 4 Years in Tata Institute Fundamental Research)
Currently pursing PhD in Big Data Forensic analytics at VTU – Belgaum university
6+ Onsite working experience (USA, UK , Europe and Asia)
18+ Research/Technical white papers published
Working as TPC and Reviewer for national and International Conferences
Conducted 100+ Seminar/Workshop in Engineering Colleges
Research domain – Big Data Analytics , Forensic analysis , Augmented Reality , Cloud Computing



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