The Fifth Elephant 2017

On data engineering and application of ML in diverse domains

Dr Amit Garg


Application of AI in e-commerce industry from product search to customer satisfaction

Submitted Apr 22, 2017

Artificial Intelligence(AI) was introduced to develop and create “thinking machine” that are capable of mimicking, learning and replacing human intelligence. Since last 20 years, AI has shown great promise in improving human decision making processes and the subsequent productivity.

In the fifth elephant conference, I will talk about the application of AI in the E-commerce industry including supply chain management, inventory management, Transportation management and customer service.

AI helps from the time customer starts product search, product recommendation, deciding the right product, an order is placed, payment is made, order fulfilment, delivery of product, return policy and safety and security. Also, focus would be on how AI has improved customer experience with retailers and how retailers can get a competitive advantage. AI can help even warehouse management in a way to not only minimize total cost but also boost employee experience.

I will also cover how AI techniques are used in web services. A web service is a software system designed to support interoperable machine-to-machine interaction over the network.

Audience: My speech would cater to the interest of the people working in the e-commerce, Information technology, data science, supply chain management as well the general audience.


Basics of Artificial intelligence.
Applications of AI in E-commerce industry including supply chain management, inventory management and customer service management.
Applications of AI such as product recommendation, product search, image recognition & understanding, auto-anomaly detection
Customer support services like chat bots and speech recognition.
AI applications in determining optimum price, product categorisation, churn prediction and sentiment analysis
AI techniques in web services.

Speaker bio

Dr. Amit Garg is the Founder and Chief Scientist at ORMAE, India. He provides cutting edge approaches in Operations Research, Analytics & Machine learning to different companies. He currently holds a Guinness world record in Mathematics and represents India in the Global Mental Calculation championships. He has completed B.Tech. in Mechanical Engineering and MS in Industrial Engineering from IIT Delhi, India followed by PhD in Operations Research from Case Western Reserve University, USA. For more than ten years, he has worked on several e-Commerce, Supply Chain Logistics Optimization, Resource Scheduling, Contact Center Optimization, and Workforce Planning projects at Penske Logistics, Amazon, and Interactive Intelligence, USA. He has presented at several OR conferences, client sites, Mathematics Shows, and has also been actively involved in the OR & Analytics training sessions in the US and Indian Companies.


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