The Fifth Elephant 2013

An Event on Big Data and Cloud Computing

Andreas Kollegger


Neo4j Graphs: What, When, How

Submitted Apr 30, 2013

You will leave with an understanding of what a graph database is, what advantages it can offer, and when to use one. We’ll focus on Neo4j, quickly covering it’s capabilities then looking at some real world use cases from Fortune 500 companies.


Google’s knowledge graph, Facebook’s graph search, and even Amazon’s recommendation engine are hugely successful applications of basic graph theory. We’ll take a look at Neo4j, the world’s leading graph database, to understand what graphs offers and how to use them in real applications.

We’ll start with a basic introduction to Neo4j and graph databases, placing them in context of NOSQL and Big Data. Then we’ll explore a few business use cases which illustrate different advantages of using graphs. While we’ll touch on some technical details, the focus will be understanding what a graph database is, when to use one, and how it helps.

You’ll leave knowing how to identify a graph problem when you see one, and be ready to do something about it.


For the best experience, bring along any device which can tweet.

Speaker bio

With NASA, for the love of technology. Then Zambia, using technology for social good. Now with Neo4j, making the world a better place from a graph perspective.

Andreas has been part of the Neo4j community since having his own graph epiphany while working on medical informatics in Zambia. He joined as an early member of core engineering, and has now taken on the role of Product Experience Designer, responsible for maturing that fantastic codebase into an industrial strength product.


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