Jul 2012
23 Mon
24 Tue
25 Wed
26 Thu
27 Fri 09:30 AM – 05:30 PM IST
28 Sat 09:30 AM – 05:00 PM IST
29 Sun
Jul 2012
23 Mon
24 Tue
25 Wed
26 Thu
27 Fri 09:30 AM – 05:30 PM IST
28 Sat 09:30 AM – 05:00 PM IST
29 Sun
Uttam Grandhi
Submitted Apr 23, 2012
To excite the audience into the world of Data Visualization through a gateway called Processing ( Programming Language ).
The talk is going to be split into two parts (of 15-20 mins each).
First part covers, Data & Visualization. Where I would try to answer ( with examples ) questions such as: Is Data just numbers? What is the Purpose of a Visualization? Does context play a role in choosing the type of visualization?
Second part covers, a basic introduction to a programming language called Processing. Where, the available methods, libraries and export options like Android, Web ( Applet/Processing.js), etc are explained. I would like to conclude my talk with an example/case study of a visualization that I have done using Processing.
Last 5 odd mins is retained for Q&A and discussion.
Enthusiasm and basic programming knowledge.
Uttam Grandhi is an alumnus of BITS-Pilani and Vancouver Film School. He currently works full-time as an Artist for Artoo IT Solutions Pvt. Ltd, Bangalore (www.artoo.in). At Artoo, he owns the web and android interfaces. His areas of interest include( but not limited to) Paper Engineering, Sculpture, Calligraphy, Stop Motion Animation and Digital Art.
Jul 2012
23 Mon
24 Tue
25 Wed
26 Thu
27 Fri 09:30 AM – 05:30 PM IST
28 Sat 09:30 AM – 05:00 PM IST
29 Sun
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Uttam Grandhi
Uttam Grandhi
Uttam Grandhi
Uttam Grandhi
@uttamg911 Submitter
Uttam Grandhi
@uttamg911 Submitter
emoto - Data sculpture by @studionand and @moritz_stefaner + @toodrew http://www.creativeapplications.net/processing/emoto-data-sculpture-by-studio-nand-and-moritz-stefaner-drew-hemment/ via @creativeapps
Uttam Grandhi
@uttamg911 Submitter
Hyper-Matrix - Thousands of physical pixels in a 180º vertical landscape http://www.creativeapplications.net/environment/hyper-matrix-thousands-of-physical-pixels-in-a-180o-vertical-landscape/
Uttam Grandhi
@uttamg911 Submitter
Meibach and Posavec - Data, Visualization, Poetry and Sculpture http://ca-n.in/PJDv9D
"Data as representation does not have to be the only way visualization is approached. Nor should a traditional visualization ever necessarily be perceived as the full picture. It should always be understood that there is an elusive, human, element, whether knowledge or otherwise, embedded in what is being communicated" - Dylan Schenker
Anu Sharma
Uttam, is it possible to spend some time on "why Processing?". It would be super helpful to know, for example, how Processing stacks up against other alternatives and for which use cases you've found it more suitable (and why).
Uttam Grandhi
No Shree, I would not be using R. I am planning to talk about processing(programming language)/processing.js for data visualization.
shree joshi
Are you going to use R ? in which case let me know if there is an overlap with session proposed by me.
Uttam Grandhi
@uttamg911 Submitter
I am trying to limit my talk to the graphic part of the problem though I would give brief insights into the tech and data processing parts as well.
Zainab Bawa
@zainabbawa Editor & Promoter
Is data visualization a graphic problem or a tech/data processing problem?