droidconIN 2016

The sixth edition of droidconIN

Aditya Sharat


Proteus: Android Layout Engine

Submitted Aug 8, 2016

Proteus is meant to be a drop-in replacement for Android’s LayoutInflater; but unlike the compiled XML layouts bundled in the APK, Proteus inflates layouts at runtime.
This talk will focus on why we built Proteus and how it helped us perform A/B tests and build custom brand pages without any App release.
With Proteus, you can control your Apps layout from the backend (no WebViews). Forget the boilerplate code to findViewById, cast it to a TextView, and then setText(). Proteus has runtime data bindings and formatters. Plugin in your own custom views and attributes and formatters.


  • What are we trying to solve, and why?
  • LayoutInflater, and how it doesn’t work.
  • How Proteus works.
  • Forget findViewById and setText.
  • What you can achieve.
  • There are others out there; kind of


Intermediate knowledge of the Android Framework

  • XML layout and LayoutInflater
  • Building and deploying Android apps.

Speaker bio

Aditya is a Software Development Engineer at Flipkart. He is part of the team which build Proteus. He works on developing libraries, frameworks and tools to promote decoupling, abstraction, code reusability, extensibility, and stability. He is also a full-stack Web Developer specializing in development of high-performance web applications.




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