droidconIN 2016

The sixth edition of droidconIN

Mudit Krishna Mathur


Android Instrumentation: Diagnose & hot fix your live apps, realtime

Submitted Jul 21, 2016

Every app release has bugs and some of them take hours to reproduce. In those hair-pulling moments, developers realize how useful it would be if they could just add logs to the app.

The objective of the presentation is to show Android developers a way to diagnose issues ‘on-demand’. I would also explain how to fix some of these issues, on live app, in real time.

This session is meant for all Android developers, who believe in providing a superior customer experience on their apps.


  1. Android Instrumentation
  2. AspectJ: Instrument your android app
  3. How to write dynamic logs
  4. Fix crashes
  5. Fix logical issues

Speaker bio

With more than 13 years of mobile app and game development experience, I have been a witness to the evolution of mobile technologies, right from the days of J2ME/Symbian, through Blackberry, iOS and Android.

Through my journey, I have been a part of ngpay, arguably the world’s first mobile-only commerce application, working on the company’s mobile app for multiple platforms. I lead development on mobile games for various teams in Disney, working through C++, OpenGL, Cocos2dx and other cross-platform game engines to churn high performance, heavy-animation games. Marvel’s Avengers Alliance was one such hit game with huge world wide user base.

For the past couple of years I have been with Flipkart, churning high throughput libraries catering to both iOS and Android apps of Flipkart.

Currently, I am enabling companies to take control of their mobile apps in production through Hansel.io. I am a co-founder and Vice President at Hansel.io




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