droidconIN 2016

The sixth edition of droidconIN

Vasanthakumar Sarpasayanam


Android App Mining

Submitted Aug 10, 2016

Android app mining by Quixey is a suite of tools for deep understanding of functions and states within apps enabling use cases like crawling of mobile app content and access to links that are otherwise inaccessible. These suite of tools help Quixey’s Deep Mobile Search to connect users to the most relevant states of apps


Why do we need App Mining?
What is App Mining?
Currently system limited without App mining.
How we do App mining?
Demo videos

Speaker bio

I am an architect currently working for Quixey’s App Mining team and I also lead mobility practice at Imaginea. I have been working on mobility (Android/iOS/Windows) for the past 8+ years working with R&D teams, Product teams and helped companies build world class products.




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