droidconIN 2015

The fifth edition of droidconIN

Abhishek Narain


Real world ways to increase app usage with Azure Mobile Engagement

Submitted Oct 12, 2015

In this session we will discuss how we can use Mobile Engagement to run campaigns across Android, iOS and Windows apps leveraging segmentation capabilities. We will focus on discussing real world scenarios and demoing how cross platform analytics can be used to drive marketing campaigns for decision makers and how historical app data can be used to identify and have targeted engagement with users.


Keeping mobile app users interested and active requires not only a great app, but also an engagement strategy. Join this session and see how customers are using Azure Mobile Engagement to use the customer knowledge they acquire with analytics to trigger conversations and usage.

Speaker bio

As a Technical Evangelist, Abhishek helps developers adapt to cloud technologies. He works on Cloud Architecture and Internet-of-Things, Cross-Platform Mobile Application Development, ASP.NET MVC and Web Game Development. Previously, he was a consultant at Microsoft working on ASP.NET, Azure, Windows Phone, Client web technologies. He is a regular speaker at TechEd, .NET User Groups, Open Source User Groups. Prior to Microsoft, Abhishek was working at Infragistics – a leading UI/UX company. He has worked extensively on HTML5 and was awarded the Microsoft MVP award while working outside Microsoft.


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