droidconIN 2015

The fifth edition of droidconIN

Shree Kumar


Android, without batteries

Submitted Sep 3, 2015

Show & tell of how android phones/tablets can be used without batteries.


Most Android devices ship, batteries included. What if you want to use them without the batteries ? This talk shows you how.

Android is now everywhere. It is now slowly becoming the platform of choice for creating all sorts of devices - medical devices, handheld devices, kiosks, information systems, etc. In the earlier days of embedded systems, Linux was the choice of OS. Now, it is Android.

Off-the-shelf Android devices make excellent prototyping platforms for device-centric applications. Most developers trying to use Android devices in this way end up hitting power related issues due to the puny sized batteries in such systems. This talk shows you how to address some of them.

We will first look at the structure of batteries commonly used in Android devices. This will then be mapped to battery reporting infrastructure in Android. Solutions involving changes in the kernel space & Android service layer will be shown.

This will then be illustrated with an example with a common, off-the shelf phone (most likely a Yu Yureka), running off a bench power supply.

Speaker bio

Shree has been creating custom Android devices for the past 4 years. He leads a small team at Innominds Software, customizing software at various layers : bootloaders, modem, and Android middleware. Shree has hands on experience integrating various peripherals - displays, touch screens, barcode scanners, printers, cameras, sensors and batteries.

He has been a speaker at earlier editions of Droidcon India; he was also on the technical programme committee of Droidcon India 2014.




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