Droidcon India 2014

Droidcon India’s fourth edition

Safwan Erooth


Drupal - A drop in scalable & secure backend for Android Apps

Submitted Nov 4, 2014

  • Learn to use Drupal as a drop-in backend for App development.
  • Have own user authentication system without coding, that is secure and powerful.
  • Learn to rapidly prototype app ideas.
  • Get freed from the limitation of not knowing to develop a backend system.
  • Get started with one of the worlds most popular CMS & CMF.
  • See case studies on how companies like Weather.com, Decathlon etc are using Drupal as backend.


Drupal along with few popular modules can serve as a drop-in backend for Android apps. It’s very simple to use, easy to get started and can be the best backend solution value proposition you will find in the market today. With Drupal at backend the App developers can focus on creating great user experience and stop worrying about developing complex backend that they would require to realise their ideas. The workshop can get the developers started with using Drupal as backend, intially atleast for rapid prototyping of their Ideas.

Drupal is proven to be scalable, and secure platform. With Drupal sharing data and connecting users will be real easy.
Drag & drop creation of content types, content relation and fields are possible. With ready to use API methods supporting all standard end-points including json, Drupal ensures a quick and painless development & integration process.

Key Benefits:

  • Enable creation and management of content types, like user feeds, photos, notes etc..
  • Enable user authentication for apps, with fine grain permission and control. (Creation, password recovery etc..)
  • Deploy secure API’s for the platform with authentication and controlled access.
  • Manage all the content with full flexibility from backend interface.
  • Manage users from backend, create, suspend or delete users. Control permissions and types of user (Eg: Free & Paid)
  • Advanced scheduling - Schedule your actions/notifications with fine grain control.
  • Enable e-commerce with ready to use modules with full backoffice features (tax, discounts, order management)
  • Drag & Re-order fields, create fields for date, email, file etc with few clicks.
  • Query, search or generate contents(json) visually with option to pass arguments. (Eg: notes of a user created on 1/11/14)

Now many huge clients, there are 1000’s of developers with killer ideas, struggling in prototyping as they need a backend developer to support them and it involves money most of the time. Drupal can solve this problem and help developers prototype to their hearts content.


  • A mind to learn.
  • If interested to try out, laptop with LAMPP stack configured & Drupal downloaded.

Speaker bio

  • Co-Founder & CEO of Tridz Technologies.
  • Have been Drupal consultant to Aditi Technologies, trainer for Valtech Services etc.
  • Have spoke at 2 Google Dev Conference for Tridz.
  • Consultant & architect for Drupal projects at Zeal Industries, Hong kong.
  • 5 Years Experience.
  • Have worked with GE, Decathlon, MediaOne, Saudi Ministry of Education, Greenpeace, SouthLive for Tridz.
  • in.linkedin.com/in/esafwan


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