Droidcon India 2014

Droidcon India’s fourth edition

Shreyas Malavalli


Delightful User Experience

Submitted Nov 5, 2014

This talk concerns about how to provide a delightful user experience that is actually going to work once it hits real life.


Designing for the user experience has a lot more to it than making
a product usable. Usability allows people to easily accomplish
their goals.
All designers say simplicity is important, but what does it really
mean to make something simple? Most of the time we think it
means less, that by removing stuff we achieve simplicity. We think
by cutting text into half or by using bullets instead of paragraphs
it becomes more clear. But simple doesn’t mean ‘less’. A better
definition would be ‘just enough’.

In this, we will talk about:
• User friendliness and usability
User-experience is not like usability - it is about
feelings. The aim here is to create happiness. You want
people to feel happy before, during and after they have
used your product
A good design is pleasurable, thoughtfully crafted,
makes you happy, and gets you immersed.

• When more is less
Simplicity is really about comprehension and clarity
of purpose, can we design such that people instantly
understand what’s going on and make a confident
decision about what to do next? To practically achieve
simplicity we can stick to a single core idea, improve
clarity over time, and use consistency to help users
achieve efficiency. In this way more can be less by
adding the appropriate details at the appropriate time
the entire process comes to seem simple to the people
using it.

Speaker bio

Shreyas is a passionate designer, web developer, musician who
loves photography. Currently working at Dexetra as an Interface/
Experience designer


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