Droidcon India 2014

Droidcon India’s fourth edition

Basavaprasad B


Application of Graph Based Image Segmentation in Android Technology

Submitted Oct 18, 2014

Android technology is new and breathtaking field for both developers and users. Smart phones used in today’s world are as good as computers and are available commonly with affordable price. Smart phones are aided with cameras with good resolution, faster CPU’s and large memory storage. Image processing operations are very friendly to android smart phones. The common operations of image processing are binarization, dilation, erosion, morphological operations and image segmentation used for edge detection.


There are numerous image segmentation techniques available today. Among these graph based image segmentation techniques are very accurate and efficient. In particular Image segmentation plays a vital role android technology used in smart phones.

Some of the applications of image segmentation in android applications are:

Various camera features such as image enhancement, image cropping and other image analysis, come under the study of in image processing in particular image segmentation. The flash operation alters a partition with a binary image stored in it.

This technique is used in Google android smart phones. For example soccer game is developed which needs the image segmentation technology.

Hospitals are required to strengthen their health services and technological communications growth because of the fast development of information technology. For example the liver operation which is a very difficult task, is handled by image segmentation technique. This segmentation procedure is to be found on mobiles, so that medical specialists can access the software with their smart phones. This is ongoing decision that can be used to describe analytical lesions on the liver using android-based mobile phones.

Speaker bio

Basavaprasad B
Research Scholar,
Research and Development center,
Bharathiar Unicersity,
Tamilnadu State
Mobile: 9449020444
Education: M.Sc Gold medalist, M.Phil, (Ph.D) in computer science
Age: 34 years
10+ years of teaching experience
Published few papers on my topic Graph Based Image Segmentation.


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