Droidcon India 2012

India's largest Android Conference

SDC Bangalore

What we learnt during the making of Cosmos

Submitted Oct 29, 2012

Get to know about our product, and how we overcame some of the challenges.

Challenges/learning include:

  1. What happens when a System “Intent” is fired, especially when the Screen is turned off/on
  2. How to develop your application to identify and handle changes in behavior in different OS versions
  3. How to best handle different device dimensions and density
  4. What do you do when you have to “bypass” boundaries set by the OS
  5. How to best handle orientation changes
  6. How to “lock” applications to prevent unauthorized usage
  7. How to scan and discover what permissions installed apps have asked for


About the session: I’ll be showing the different things that the app “Cosmos” can do. I’ll also be sharing some of the challenges that we met, and what we learnt from overcoming them.

About the app: Cosmos® for Smartphones is an all-in-one optimization tool for your Android smartphone. It has four powerful modules to help you save your smartphone’s battery, clean junk data, protect your privacy and password protect apps!

Speaker bio

I’m Keshav, working as an Associate Architect at Support.com.
I have over 12 years of experience, in IT and computer games industry.

Prior to Support.com, I was at Technicolor, Electronic Arts, and Dhruva Interactive. You can find me online @ http://www.linkedin.com/pub/keshav-channa/2/97/56


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