Droidcon India 2012

India's largest Android Conference

vineela A

Push notifications using GCM(Google Cloud Messaging).

Submitted Oct 1, 2012

Basic understanding of GCM.

Purpose of GCM.

Benefits of cloud messaging.

Demo Application.


The lecture mainly deals with GCM, brief overview about C2DM
Technical and NON-Technical understanding of GCM.

   >Example illusrtating the GCM functionality. (NON-Technical)

   >Getting started with GCM,Architecture,GCM framework.(Technical)

Adavantages of GCM over other push notification services such as Urban Airship,C2DM.

   >Message Multicasting.

   >Battery life.


   >Send-to-sync messages.

   >Messages with payload.

An application demonstrating the GCM push notification.

Speaker bio

I am a Developer at PurpleTalk Inc, one of the leading names in enterprise-level app development space.I have one year of android experience.


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