Nov 2012
29 Mon
30 Tue
31 Wed
1 Thu
2 Fri 10:00 AM – 05:00 PM IST
3 Sat 10:00 AM – 05:00 PM IST
4 Sun
vineela A
Basic understanding of GCM.
Purpose of GCM.
Benefits of cloud messaging.
Demo Application.
The lecture mainly deals with GCM, brief overview about C2DM
Technical and NON-Technical understanding of GCM.
>Example illusrtating the GCM functionality. (NON-Technical)
>Getting started with GCM,Architecture,GCM framework.(Technical)
Adavantages of GCM over other push notification services such as Urban Airship,C2DM.
>Message Multicasting.
>Battery life.
>Send-to-sync messages.
>Messages with payload.
An application demonstrating the GCM push notification.
I am a Developer at PurpleTalk Inc, one of the leading names in enterprise-level app development space.I have one year of android experience.
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