Gaurav Mishra



Submitted Jul 28, 2020

20% of Global searches is Voice-based and by 2020; this number was poised to increase to 50%. If that does not bother a content creator or marketer! I am not sure what will!

Search is changing, and so is the way consumers choose to engage with businesses locally or globally. There is a distinct move away from screens and keyboards, and into voice-based interactions. Voice search is becoming a fast-growing habit across consumer segments and fundamentally transforming how people and businesses transact on the internet.

In the talk we will talk about how the current CMS ecosystem is structured and how the new-age headless CMS is changing how we create content. We will also look at the usefulness.


Here are some key takeaways:

  • Why a voice content strategy is critical for enterprises
  • How and Why to make your content future proof
  • The differences between voice-based and web-based content, and how that affects the user experience
  • The basics of optimizing your content for voice search
  • Why bots should be your next strategic investment


  • A quick view of the schemas important for the VSO
  • Example of sites ranking in the Voice


Bring an open mind :)

Speaker bio

As Srijan’s Director - Digital Experience, Gaurav has an 13+ years’ accomplished career track in building enterprise partnerships. He currently heads Srijan’s US operations and is involved in delivering and sustaining revenue and profit gains in highly competitive U.S. and Asia markets.

Gaurav has a deep understanding of evolving technology trends, their impact on enterprises, and how to leverage them to create compelling solutions. He is especially attuned to the developing voice-tech space and helping several global firms across industries find opportunities to leverage voice-tech. He works closely with enterprises that are in the midst of their digital transformation, helping them create innovative technology solutions that intelligently blend existing CMS platforms with the power of bots.



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