Content Web Saturday Sessions

In this session, we will cover:

  1. What is HTTP3?
  2. How is HTTP3 different from HTTP1 and HTTP2 - a short comparison and notable differences.
  3. What benefits will it bring?
  4. What do developers need to do to take advantage of HTTP3?

Slides: Slides for this session are published on https://speakerdeck.com/satiya/evolution-of-http

About the speaker: Satiya Prasath Padmanabhan is technology evangelist at Akamai. He also consults on WebPerf, Media Streaming and Web Security.

Participation: Zoom link will be shared with registered participants. Or, you can watch the livestream on this page.
Registered participants can leave comments/questions on the Comments section for the speaker to address during the session.

Contact details For inquiries, call 7676332020 or email info@hasgeek.com Follow Content Web via Meta Refresh on Twitter or join the Telegram group on https://t.me/MetaRefresh

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Content Web is a space about the good ol’ websites that we’ve been designing and publishing for decades. Online publishing, marketing websites and the likes have always been on the rise. So have the supporting tools, technologies and techniques for website publishing and content management. The pra… more