Supriya Rathi


Spark a Startup - Ideate , Design , Validate!

Submitted Dec 22, 2014

To aspiring entrepreneurs, who at some point of time thought of starting up but got overwhelmed by the loads of contraditing gyaan, jargon and processes of the industry. This session is to provide some ready made raw material to get started without any risk involved by introducing of an Idea book - Startup Sparks : Ideas visualized as Designs.
It’s okay to take baby steps , but give it a couple of shots and who knows you may hit the bull’s eye! And No, you don’t Need to be a technologist to startup!


With this session, by the means of introducing my new book - Startup Sparks , I wish to remind aspiring entrepreneurs about their power of creation , regardless of technology and so called qualifications.

My goal with “Startup Sparks” is to share some startup ideas and create an actionable guide for aspiring entrepreneurs. Having experience of both - being in the corporate as well as startup community , I came across many people with great skills but while some needed motivation, other’s needed someone to ideate and paint the picture. Being an ideator & designer has helped me in terms of conceptualizing my ideas into something presentable, which gives a huge morale boost to get started. That’s what I am here to share with all those who need it.

Having something visual or logical helps one validate their idea, be it a Mock up, MVP (minimum viable product) or even a Business Model Canvas at times. This book has some of my own ideas that I have designed from scratch and are readily available for anyone who relates with them to get started.

What I wish to convey through this initiative is that -
'Entrepreneurship is something you don’t need to qualify any criteria for, it comes from within and there is no good or bad time. It can make you very strong if you continue your journey even if the routes change from time to time.‛


It would be great to have the audience pitch some problems & solution ideas , so as to make the virtual book a Real experience.

Speaker bio

Currently, a fellow @ Startup Leadership Program, Supriya is a startup evangelist & a self taught designepreneur, who loves to explore possibilities, converse, learn & implement ideas. She is a Gold Medalist & holds a B.Tech. in IT from VIT University Vellore, along with 3+ years of Business Analysis & UI Design experience at Standard & Poor’s Capital IQ - Mc Graw Hill Financials. She is passionate about 3Ds - Design , Debate and Dance & has been acknowledged at various occasions such as National debate at RIMC Dehradun, Parliamentary Debate adjudicated by Lord Julian Hunt (Member of British Council, House of Lords) & Inter- School & College debates.

She has conducted various startup events with Weekend Ventures and learned a lot experientially, meeting fellows from the community. She has also been invited to participate in the Stanford Ignite Bangalore 2015 program.

She has been an active participant in various Entrepreneurial events such as:-

Global Entrepreneurship Week (Nov 2013) by Start-Up Leadership Program
TIE Asia Summit (Dec 2013), Hyderabad – 1st Tweet won the ‘Tweet of the Day’ Contest
UX MasterClass (March 2014) – Learned various aspects of Design & User Experience
Construkt Fest (March 2014), Bangalore – Participated in #ConstruktSiMu organized by Head-Held-High

Currently, she is working on a web product (in stealth mode), that is planned to release in 2015 Q1.


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