Snigdha Rao - Aavishkaar


Social Venture Capital - the What and the How

Submitted Feb 3, 2015

The objective of the session is to unriddle venture capital, and social venture capital for entrepreneurs; to help participants understand what it takes for a social enterprise to raise funds, and what the smart way of doing so is.


The session will include an outline of what ‘social’ venture capital is, what ‘impact investors’ look for in entrepreneurs, how an entrepreneur can go about raising capital, and, the dos and don’ts for such entrepreneurs who seek funding – and of course, anything else interesting that questions may lead the discussion towards.


A basic understanding of what a social enterprise is would help

Speaker bio

I have been part of the Indian impact investment space for the last six years.
I work closely with social enterprises in education, energy, healthcare and other sectors as part of Aavishkaar, one of India’s first impact investors. Aavishkaar invests in scalable, for-profit business models that deliver significant developmental impact in underserved geographies - through Aavishkaar, I am actively involved in identifying such businesses and working with them towards their growth.
I entered the impact space as co-founder of BYST Growth Fund, a venture capital fund focused on bringing equity capital and scalable business mentorship to traditional micro enterprises.
I was earlier a management consultant and worked across multiple industries in the areas of growth strategy, organization restructuring and operations management.



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