Feb 2015
23 Mon
24 Tue
25 Wed
26 Thu
27 Fri
28 Sat 09:00 AM – 10:00 AM IST
1 Sun
Deepak Karki
Submitted Feb 3, 2015
To introduce beginners and interemediate developers to the world of opensource, and to show them how they can go beyond the arduino to develop IoT prototypes.
I will be presenting my work on the Beaglebone black (prototyping platform) that helps students and developers get started with embedded systems. Together the audiance will explore the capabilities of what the BeagleBone Black has to offer. By the end of this talk, makers will know which platform to choose for their IoT product, how to utilize existing tools to rapidly prototype their idea, and how to control the Beaglebone black from the browser.
A pen and paper will do. The audience can get a Beaglebone and laptop along if they want to.
(basic programming knowledge is a plus)
I’m a final year engineering student at PES University and an Intern at PayPal, Bangalore. I have been a acker and opensource developer for the past 4 years. I have prototyped on well over half a dozen platforms.
More about me here : http://deepakkarki.github.io/
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