Feb 2015
23 Mon
24 Tue
25 Wed
26 Thu
27 Fri
28 Sat 09:00 AM – 10:00 AM IST
1 Sun
Krishna Prasad Raveendran
Submitted Feb 4, 2015
I’ll be sharing my personal story of self discovery to help the audience move past their current ciscumstances. Its a funny take on how hardships are your bestfriends and faliure your best teacher. The reason the audience will be able to connect with my experiences is because I’m one of them. I am a normal 22 year old guy sharing his story in the hope of helping them find their calling.
A 22 year old Mechanical engineering graduate who currently handles talent acquisition for India’s largest youth centric creative platform, Campus Diaries. A self depricating humor enthusiast who looks like quiet dashing from the moon. Why am I the best person? Because I’ve battled bullying, body image issues, inferiority complex, depression and engineering to finally accpet who I am and be confident about what I can achieve. I believe my story will be able to help youth of today to stand up and fight for their dreams and not be held back by dogma.
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