Mar 2019
25 Mon
26 Tue
27 Wed
28 Thu
29 Fri
30 Sat 09:00 AM – 09:50 AM IST
31 Sun 09:00 AM – 09:50 AM IST
yogesh babar
Submitted Feb 20, 2019
“Linux is a story of Unix told by Linus Torvalds”
If you really want to love Operating System then you have to understand first the history of it. Who Implemented it? In what circumstances? What was the motive? Who are these guys? Why did they take so much of pain to make OS? What is the relation between Linux & Unix? Is Unix there in Linux? Why did they choose the ‘C’ language? What is kernel? What is shell? Why not assembly?
I will be explaining who? Why? What? How? .. of open source. I might use some poems in between to explain Open Source :)
Duration: 60 Minutes (including Q&A)
enthusiasm about Linux
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