Libre, not Gratis

Yogesh Chavan


IoT via Beaglebone

Submitted Feb 4, 2019 is creating nice open source hardware boards for more than 10 years. Beaglebone is their most popular cost-effective boards till date. It is attractive solution to implement IoT.
Few Beaglebone physical computing demonstrations will be shown. Sample IoT application will be shown using Beaglebone. Language used will be Python.


  1. What is IoT?
  2. Why Beaglebone?
  3. Python/javascript programs live demos
    Program to control LED & serrvo motor via smartphone
    Program to auto-shoot email when detected over-temperature
    Program to upload data on cloud and get temperature graph over time

Speaker bio

Currently, I am working as Training Content Developer at RedHat, Pune.
Previously, I taught in local collages for five years full time.
Before that I worked in software industry for 5 years.
I have given several talks at Open Source events.
I have my book published “Programming The Beaglebone”.


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