Libre, not Gratis

Nikhil Dhandre


Exploring Widgets with Widgetastic

Submitted Feb 15, 2019

In the world of testing, we are playing with interactive and non-interactive widgets. Widgetastic is a python web UI testing framework. It is designed to abstract out web UI widgets into a nice object-oriented layer. Usually, people use classes and instances to avoid repetitive work. In a similar way, the user can do with the widgets on the web UI. Let’s explore the world of widgets...


  • What is widgetastic?
  • How to initiate individual interactive and non-interactive elements as the widget?
  • How to group widgets in View?
  • Parametrized Views and Switchable Conditional Views.
  • Demo

Talk Duration: 30 Min

Speaker bio

Nikhil Dhandare (digitronik)
FOSS enthusiast, Python hacker, Research Scholar...


{{ gettext('Login to leave a comment') }}

{{ gettext('Post a comment…') }}
{{ gettext('New comment') }}
{{ formTitle }}

{{ errorMsg }}

{{ gettext('No comments posted yet') }}

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