Libre, not Gratis

Utkarsh Kushwaha


Deep Dive into Competitive Programming & Algorithms (Workshop)

Submitted Feb 8, 2018

Workshop will consist of brief introduction to Competitive Programming, followed by demonstration of advanced techniques, algorithms for problem solving. Different approaches to solve complex problems, a brief overview of existing data-structures, and references for futher reading & practice are just some of the key takeaways for the attendees.


  1. What is Competitive Programming ?
  2. Existing platforms to practice competitive programming, suggestions
  3. Approach towards problem solving
  4. Try out problems, will be solved during workshop to get a hands on experience to code them.
  5. Doubt Session
  6. Suggested references, blogs for further reading.



Speaker bio

Distinctive competitive programmer.
Ranked 32nd at ACM ICPC Asia Kharagpur Regionals.
In National top 100 of Hackerrank rankings.
Winner of multiple competitive programming competitions.


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