
Digital Lending WatchTower - #KillerLoanApps Predatory digital lending apps

Watchtower for Digital lending that looks at fly by night abusive digital 'lenders', 'fake' fintech apps and all things digital lending and consumer protections

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SAMM Data Services

SAMM Data Services

Why should you hire Amazon VAs?

Amazon VAs are highly experienced and have profound knowledge in managing an Amazon store efficiently. Amazon store management, Amazon SEO, product listing optimization, order management, and more are tackled by Amazon VAs, helping sellers to fulfill their business goals. Know more:- more
  • Submitted
  • 28 Mar 2022
Report: Discussion

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CashlessConsumer is a consumer collective working on digital payments to increase awareness, understand technology, produce / consume data, represent consumers in policy of digital payments ecosystem to voice consumer perspectives, concerns with a goal of moving towards a fair cashless society more