Cartonama Conference

Making the most of geospatial data, community mapping, and location-based services.

Mayank Sharma


Solving Where Am I Problem - Lokasi

Submitted Aug 28, 2012

GPS tells you the lat-long of your current location. Which is pretty much use-less to you or to your friend who wants to guide you. How exactly do you translate the simple machine understandable XY to something that you and I can decipher and is action-able?

You will learn to create a very simple and usable Where Am I kind of an application.


Lokasi does a (non-trivial) reverse geo lookup of your current location and tells you in human understandable and unambiguous way where you are. It can find out the nearest landmark for you and tell you distance from that. Once you get couple of landmarks you get a general sense of where you are without having to decipher your location on a google map.

You could then send that as SMS to your friend who will immediately know where you instead of having to look it up on google map.

In this talk we will walk through how we went about creating this app, what kind of data is required to support such a use case and how to provide the intelligent information from that data and your lat-long.


Just a basic understanding of what latitude and longitude is.

Speaker bio

My name is Mayank Sharma. I work for a LBS company called ONZE. We provide LBS platform for retail businesses that helps them increase more footfalls and engagement with their customers with location being the central theme. I am quite passionate about location and mobile technology.


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