Women in AI - November Meet-Up

Women in AI - November Meet-Up

Demos and Discussion about work being done by Women in AI

Hello ladies!

Welcome to the women in AI meet up, where we 📱demo products, 🔧share tools and technologies and 👩🏾 💻discuss engineering aspects of AI. This safe space is created for us to have 🌟open discussions, 🌐meet other amazing women, find mentors and mentees - get more women to join in AI domain. 🌎

About the event
This would be a hybrid (online + offline meetup (join offline for the best chai :))
Speaker names will be revealed soon. Submit a demo request if you would like to present.
Open to all women - whether you are an AI enthusiast, beginner or advanced!
Please click Reigster to join for the meeting.

Date: Saturday, 25th November
Time: 03:00 pm - 04:30 pm
Venue details are added here.

Sessions1: Product Demo by Sneha Vijayan
The presentation will focus on how at resolutio we’re using emerging tech like AI and blockchain to build the protection layer of creative economy. It will consider -

  1. how AI may be used for both prevention and post dispute resolution, in this ecosystem
  2. special reference to our application of the same
  3. the legal considerations when building AI tools, especially AI based tools, and the principles on which we’ve built ( and are continuing to use) AI.

Session2: Engineering Demo by Karthika Kamath
Her research is at the intersection of neuroscience and AI. In the past she has also worked as a software engineer, Data scientist and a neuromarketing Consultant and this talk is an introduction to the field of computation neuroscience.

Submit a description of what you want to demo, and the feedback you are seeking. It’s best to present something you have directly worked on OR are working on - not what your team is building OR company is doing :)

For more information, contact the Women in AI group or leave a comment here.

Hosted by

This group is for women who are practitioners of AI - research scientists, engineers, data scientists, product managers, founders.