MLOps Conference
The Fifth Elephant For members

MLOps Conference

On DataOps, productionizing ML models, and running experiments at scale.

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Accepting submissions till 14 Jul 2021, 11:00 PM



Machine Learning (ML) is at the helm of products. As products evolve with time, so is the necessity for ML to evolve. In 2010s, we saw DevOps culture take the forefront for engineering teams. 2020s will be all about MLOps.

MLOps stands for Machine Learning Operations. MLOps mainly focuses on workflows, thought processes and tools that are used in creating ML models, and their evolution over time. The workflows for ML at organizations are different as the problem space, maturity of teams and experience with ML tools are widely different.

MLOps relies on DataOps. DataOps is about Data operations, and helps define data and SLOs for data - how they are stored, managed and mutate over time - thereby providing the foundations for sound ML. The success and failure of ML models depends heavily on DataOps, where data is well-managed and brought into the system in a well thought out manner. ML and data processes have to evolve to provide insights into the reasons as to why certain models are not behaving as before.

Productionizing ML models is a challenge, but so is running experiments at scale. MLOps caters not only to scaling ML models in production, but also helps in providing guidelines and thought processes to support rapid prototyping and research for ML teams.

MLOps Conference 2021 edition

The 2021 edition is curated by Nischal HP, Director of Data at Scoutbee.

The conference covers the following themes:

  1. Machine Learning Operations
  2. Machine Learning in Production
  3. Privacy and Security in Machine Learning
  4. Tooling and frameworks in Machine Learning
  5. Economies of Machine Learning

Speakers from Doordash, Twilio, Scribble Data, Microsoft Research Labs India, Freshworks, Aampe, Myntra, Farfetch and other organizations will share their experiences and insights on the above topics.


Who should participate in MLOps conference?

  1. Data/MLOps engineers who want to learn about state-of-the-art tools and techniques.
  2. Data scientists who want a deeper understanding of model deployment/governance.
  3. Architects who are building ML workflows that scale.
  4. Tech founders who are building products that require ML or building developer productivity products for ML.
  5. Product managers, who are seeking to learn about the process of building ML products.
  6. Directors, VPs and senior tech leadership who are building ML teams.

Contact information: Join The Fifth Elephant Telegram group on or follow @fifthel on Twitter. For inquiries, contact The Fifth Elephant on or call 7676332020.

Hosted by

All about data science and machine learning

Supported by

Scribble Data builds feature stores for data science teams that are serious about putting models (ML, or even sub-ML) into production. The ability to systematically transform data is the single biggest determinant of how well these models do. Scribble Data streamlines the feature engineering proces… more


Deep dives into privacy and security, and understanding needs of the Indian tech ecosystem through guides, research, collaboration, events and conferences. Sponsors: Privacy Mode’s programmes are sponsored by: more

haridas n


Process of Open Source your ML Service

Submitted Apr 17, 2021

Pic2Card is an Opensource ML service that helps to create AdaptiveCards from an Image. We have recently contributed this service to AdaptiveCards, an Opensource card authoring framework from Microsoft.

Would love to share the experience of making our Pic2Card Object Detection model production ready, and what are the tradeoffs and constraints that we covered in this process. This helps to see how much software engineering practices require to maintain a production level ML service, and ensure the quality of the inferences in a cost-effective manner.


  • High-level ideas of the End-to-End release process
  • How we used GitHub Actions to simplify the CICD process for our ML service
  • Running inference in a cost-effective manner using Docker and Azure Functions
  • How we optimized trained model and Application to pack them in a single Docker Image or multiple.
  • Pluggable ML Service design for faster and independent iterations.

Attaching the community call video, where we introduced Pic2Card to the AdaptiveCards’ community.

Pic2Card service is available under AdaptiveCards designer, you can try this out by clicking New Card button ( and then select Create Card from Image.

Community Blog:
Pic2Card source code:


Begineers to Indermediate


  • How we met the standard opensource demands.
  • How we setup the end-to-end pipeline and make the process streamlined.
  • Is there any real difference between DevOps and MLOps ?, Will get some clarity on this.
  • Solid Software Engineering Practices wins always.

Thank you,
Haridas N (


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Make a submission

Accepting submissions till 14 Jul 2021, 11:00 PM

Hosted by

All about data science and machine learning

Supported by

Scribble Data builds feature stores for data science teams that are serious about putting models (ML, or even sub-ML) into production. The ability to systematically transform data is the single biggest determinant of how well these models do. Scribble Data streamlines the feature engineering proces… more


Deep dives into privacy and security, and understanding needs of the Indian tech ecosystem through guides, research, collaboration, events and conferences. Sponsors: Privacy Mode’s programmes are sponsored by: more