Bengaluru Mini Maker Faire 2015

Bengaluru Mini Maker Faire 2015

A celebration of local maker culture and community with fascinating people who love sharing what they can do!

Workbench Projects

@wp Proposing

CELL PHONE OPERATED SAGE ROBOT: [using microcontroller 8051 (AT89S52/C51)]

Submitted Sep 22, 2015


CELL PHONE OPERATED SAGE ROBOT: [using microcontroller 8051 (AT89S52/C51)]. The project is designed to develop a robotic vehicle that is controlled by a cell phone. DTMF commands from a phone are sent to another cell phone which is mounted on the robot, through a DTMF decoder MT8870. The corresponding codes are then fed to a microcontroller, programmed to recognize those codes to operate two DC motors through motor driver IC L293D for any direction movement as per the sent commands from senders mobile.

Speaker bio

K M Aishwarya


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