Jun 2020
29 Mon 07:30 PM – 09:00 PM IST
30 Tue
1 Wed
2 Thu
3 Fri
4 Sat
5 Sun
Jun 2020
29 Mon 07:30 PM – 09:00 PM IST
30 Tue
1 Wed
2 Thu
3 Fri
4 Sat
5 Sun
One of the ways in which the Government of India censors the web is by asking Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to block access to certain
websites for its users. Following from the provisions of the Information Technology (IT) Act, website blocking in India can be opaque and executive-driven. There are no guidelines on the the technical details of how ISPs can/should block websites blocking. This impacts users’ rights of freedom of expression and access to information online.
In this talk, speaker Gurshabad Grover, will cover:
The talk will also explore the legal and policy implications on online freedom of expression and net neutrality in India.
Additional references: https://theleaflet.in/content-takedown-and-users-rights/ - refer to this document for understanding constitutional rights of individuals whose websites are ordered to be blocked by the Government, everyone’s constitutional right to access information, and recommendations.
https://arxiv.org/abs/1912.08590 - refer to this paper for CIS’ research on techniques used by ISPs to censor websites, and data on whether website blocklists are consistent across ISPs
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