Scaling PHP in the Cloud

HasGeek’s seventh event, focusing on the challenges of scaling from single to multi-server deployments for PHP-based websites.

Pavan Yara

Building Cloud Platforms with Eucalyptus Open Source Software

Submitted Jun 29, 2011

To show

  • How you can build a “Cloud Platform” in minutes using Eucalyptus open source software

  • How to leverage existing AWS tool set to interact with Eucalyptus services that provide Amazon EC2, EBS, and S3 like functionality


Some Eucalyptus Facts:

  • Most widely-deployed software platform for on-premise IaaS clouds
  • 25,000+ cloud starts to date and growing
  • AWS-compatible, enterprise-deployed
  • Hypervisor agnostic, Hardware agnostic
  • Deep cloud partner and AWS ecosystem
  • Mature and Production-quality Open Source Software
  • Strong OpenSource Leadership (Marten Mickos, Rich Wolski, Said)

About Eucalyptus Systems:

Eucalyptus Systems provides IT organizations in enterprises, government agencies, Web and mobile businesses, and industry partners the most widely deployed software platform for on-premise Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) clouds. To date, over 25,000 Eucalyptus clouds have been started all over the world, including more than 20 percent of Fortune 100 companies.

Eucalyptus is specifically designed for enterprise use, and the software platform is uniquely suited for hybrid clouds. Built as an open source product, Eucalyptus supports the industry-standard cloud API, Amazon Web Services, as well as all major virtualization platforms. The company has an active and growing ecosystem of customers, partners, developers and researchers that benefit from Eucalyptus’ open, fast and standards-compliant path to cloud computing.





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Scaling PHP in the Cloud was an event by HasGeek in 2011. more