Redis Miniconf

All about Redis, the swiss army knife of scalable web apps

Sunil Sayyaparaju


Alternatives to Redis while not compromising on its speed

Submitted Apr 16, 2014

To know the options other than Redis


Redis enjoys a good following from the developers primarily because of its speed. It is the NoSQL data base of choice for the in-memory caching solutions. But it has its own limitations in the aspects of clustering, persistence, auto-sharding, auto-rebalancing etc.

This talk will concentrate on the alternatives to Redis which could offer additional features beyond the sweet spot of Redis but at the same time without compromising on the speed given by Redis.

Aerospike is an upcoming NoSQL database which bring best of multiple worlds to the table. Performance was given the prime importance in the architecture of Aerospike. It comes with high-performance, auto-clustering, auto-sharding, auto-rebalancing features out of the box. It is being used in production for mission critical applications. It is being used as caching solution at companies like Snapdeal.

Speaker bio

My name is Sunil. I work as tech lead at Aerospike. I have been working on different forms of database engines (Non-distributed, Distributed shared-disk, Distributed shared-nothing, NoSQL) since almost 10 years.


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