Meta Refresh 2012

Web design could use some new ideas. We have the tech now.

HTML5 and CSS3 have very quickly moved from being tentative new standards to the base standards for every major desktop and mobile browser. HTML5 is now just HTML, a modular, living standard that no longer needs a version number.

Now that we are no longer fighting over platforms, it’s time to put the specs aside and revisit the construction of user interface: how do we raise the bar for stellar user interface on the web?

Meta Refresh is a follow-up to DocType HTML5 from 2010-11 and is a conference on web UI engineering.

More about the event:

Hosted by

Meta Refresh is an umbrella forum for conversations about different aspects of design and product including: UX and interaction design CMS, content management, publishing and content marketing Information architecture more

Harish Sivaramakrishnan

Twitter bootstrap crash course

Submitted Apr 2, 2012

Gets you up and running with Twitter bootstrap in 40 mins. All code, no bullshit.


Twitter bootstrap is a fantastic UI framework to build great looking applications. This session will ramp you up to start leveraging bootstrap to build some kickass apps - all in 40 mins - all code.


Basic understanding of HTML, JavaScript and CSS

Speaker bio

I am a developer evangelist @ Adobe focusing on web and open standards. I am very passionate about UX design, web, open standards and data visualization. I bring more than a decade of experience building large scale applications for the web using open standards & other.


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Hosted by

Meta Refresh is an umbrella forum for conversations about different aspects of design and product including: UX and interaction design CMS, content management, publishing and content marketing Information architecture more