The main difference between hardware and software is, software is soft i.e it is designed to be changed. Most of us write the code to get the work done.
But how do we ensure that our software is good enough and can accomodate changes easily?

There are some guidelines and principles which are followed industry wide. These are SOLID principles.


In this project we will be learning how to design better software which can handle new features and changes easily. Along with SOLID principles, we will also
discuss different aspects of software design and development. We will be looking at each of the principles deeply with help of real world examples. We will approach the example in a brute force manner and then try implement SOLID principles and improve our code.

  • Intro to S.O.L.I.D principles
  • Deep dive into each principle along with example
  • Approaching a problem to design the class relationship
  • Other software design principles like DRY, KISS


  • Knowledege about Object oriented concepts (basic knowledge is also fine)
  • Coding experience
  • Curiosity
  • Open mind

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