JuliaCon India 2015

The first Indian conference on the Julia programming language

Tanmay K. Mohapatra


Interfacing Julia with other systems- ProtoBuf.jl & JuliaWebAPI.jl

Submitted Sep 15, 2015

Introduce a couple of packages that make it easy to interface a Julia application with external systems.


JuliaWebAPI.jl makes exposing Julia methods over HTTP trivial. It can serve as a robust API platform when combined with an appropriate queuing and scaling mechanism.

ProtoBuf.jl is a Julia implementation for protocol buffers which makes it possible for Julia applications communicate with other applications in a distributed, heterogeneous environment. For example, the Elly.jl package uses ProtoBuf extensively to integrate with HDFS and Yarn. However the use cases are many more.

Speaker bio

Tanmay K.M., Julia contributor. https://github.com/tanmaykm


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This is the space for submitting proposals to speak at JuliaCon India - happening on the 9th and 10th of October 2015, in Bangalore. more