JSFoo: round the year submissions

JSFoo: round the year submissions

Submit talks on JavaScript and full stack engineering round the year

Ashwin Maruti Hegde


GraphQL - A new API query language

Submitted Apr 21, 2018

Introduction to GraphQL and its Core concepts, Architectural case studies, GraphQL servers, clients and DevTools. Open sources and runnable web/mobile application demo built on top of GraphQL and Node.js ecosystem.

Key Takeaways for the audience will be:

  • GraphQL and Core concepts which applies for both Clients and Servers
  • Will able to build end-2-end application using GraphQL and Node.js ecosystem

Intended audience:

  • Who wants to learn and know about GraphQL
  • Who wants to build application using GraphQL with Node.js platform
  • Who have experience building RESTful or end-2-end applications


  • What is GraphQL and its core concepts
  • Architectural case studies
  • GraphQL Servers
  • GraphQL Clients
  • GraphQL DevTools
  • End-2-End demo application on web/mobile platform to showcase GraphQL implementations

Speaker bio

Software craftsman, engineer, author, trainer, mentor, contributor. Strong believer and follower of open source philosophy and culture.

Experience in software development that focuses on

  • Business requirements
  • Developer experience, tools and utilities
  • User experience

Visit me at www.techjitsu.co.in




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