JSFoo: round the year submissions

JSFoo: round the year submissions

Submit talks on JavaScript and full stack engineering round the year

nader dabit


Building Serverless Mobile Applications with React Native & AWS Amplify

Submitted Jun 29, 2018

Building a real-world mobile application entails many basic yet sophisticated requirements including but not limited to authentication, push notifications, analytics, an API layer & storage. In this talk, I’ll introduce the (yet to be released) AWS Amplify CLI, a CLI that allows developers to quickly scaffold cloud enabled services like user-signin, a GraphQL API, Lambda functions, analytics, & even chat bots & AR / VR services and hook them into their React Native app using the AWS Amplify React Native SDK.


I’ll begin by outlining all of the most basic yet necessary requirements a typical mobile app usually needs to have, underscoring the pain required to either manually build out each of these services manually or connect to multiple disconnected microservices that offer managed solutions to these pain points. I’ll then introduce the AWS Amplify CLI & AWS Amplify React Native SDK & outline what these tools do, what problems they solve, and how they work. I’ll then demonstrate these tools by starting with a blank React Native application & live demo adding authentication, a managed GraphQL API, a Lambda function & analytics.

Speaker bio

Nader Dabit is a Developer Advocate at AWS Mobile, the founder of React Native Training, & the host of the React Native Radio podcast.


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