Jan 2019
7 Mon
8 Tue
9 Wed
10 Thu 09:15 AM – 05:40 PM IST
11 Fri
12 Sat
13 Sun
Sonal Raj
Submitted Sep 29, 2018
We had just started to realize that Angular was subject to bloated sluggishness syndrome – when the content expanded, the page would drag and throttle – along came the React with Redux superhero. With the tides of scalability on the rise, React became popular among developers as it took care of the content model, the immutable javascript and the boilerplates for you. Meanwhile, as UIs become complex VueJS was solving the problems of effortless change-detection in complex interfaces among many other features. VueJS is a lightweight, less opinionated framework and highly progressive framework that helps build beautiful web interfaces. And it gets along very well with other web tools. In the typical MVC web application architecture, Vue acts as the View, meaning it lets you see display portions of the data.
More choices, more problems. Right? This talk would be specially focused around what features the VueJS framework bring to the table, which compromises would you make while choosing your suitable framework, and what out of the box magic props would you be getting if you sided with VueJS. With a minimal arsenal of experimenting with ReactJS and VueJS, and handling migrations of projects to VueJS in the past year, I intend to share my experience with the javascript community and enthusiasts.
Broadly, we will be focused around areas that bring out the value additions to a project of considerable scale, including but not restricted to the following:
– library or framework? ( for those who haven’t Vue’d before! )controlled components
template compiler
Custom directives
for DOM manipulationThe talk would be illustration and example driven with the objective of outlining what makes the building blocks for choosing the right javascript framework in the industry.
Some prior knowledge of any javascript framework would help you appreciate the joy of this talk. However, we follow the blank slate protocol here.
Sonal (@_sonalraj) is a Senior Engineer at D.E.Shaw. He has been an avid pythonista, front end developer and design geek for over 10 years. He spends a good part of his time tinkering with UI/UX and software design and has been part of fseveral full stack development efforts. Sonal holds a masters in Information Technology, and pursues research in the fields of image processing, education technology and graph databases. Sonal has been a technical speaker and is also the author of the book ‘Neo4j High Performance’.
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