JSFoo 2012 Chennai

Chennai JavaScripters ahoy!

Vishnu Iyengar


Tracking Memory Leaks in Client Side Javascript Applications

Submitted Jan 31, 2012

To understand how memory leaks can occur in javascript applications. To understand the current state of tooling and how that can be used to detect such leaks.


Javascript for the most part has been used to enhance a webpage with dynamic content and as such, has traditionally been for small and short lived scripts. However, recent trends in computing such as, improved processor speeds and increased memory sizes, improvements in browser technology, javascript engines, and improvements in html itself has made it possible and desirable to write large long lived applications on Browsers. Such applications however, are traditionally subject to many concerns that are a function of scale, and one such concern is memory leaks.
Applications with a large amount of code often have subtle bugs that lead to memory being leaked. If the application is meant to run for a long time, this can lead to serious concerns. In this session we will look at some of the causes/patterns that can lead to memory leaks. Using chrome web developer tools as an example we will also talk about how one can go about detecting and finding the root cause of such leaks.

Speaker bio

Vishnu is a developer at Directi who has been programming with javascript since 2007. He has long been interested in the problem of improving expressiveness of code. He shares his code at https://github.com/pathsny/ and blogs occasionally at http://blog.vishnuiyengar.com


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