Feb 2012
13 Mon
14 Tue
15 Wed
16 Thu
17 Fri
18 Sat 10:00 AM – 05:45 PM IST
19 Sun
Praveen Kumar
Submitted Feb 11, 2012
This talk is aimed at beginner level JavaScript programmers. I’ll go through the essentials of jQuery, showing some best practices and performance tips/tricks along the way.
This talk is aimed to be a jQuery crash course.
jQuery is a popular DOM manipulation library. Getting started is so easy that almost every beginner’s code usually results in erroneous or harder-to-maintain code. I’ll also go through some of the “bad practices” that you might be possibly following.
jQuery is a very powerful library, but some of its powerful features are obscure, and unless you’ve read the jQuery source code. I’ll show some useful features of jQuery that you might not know about.
Basic understanding of JavaScript
and DOM
I’m a web addict and a front-end web developer based in Bangalore. I specialize in front-end developement (HTML5/CSS3/JavaScript) and I like playing around with bleeding edge technologies.
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