Meetup 9

This meetup is in Bangalore for women who write Javascript or who wish to learn Javascript

shivani tiwari


Application Performance

Submitted Mar 14, 2018

A simple interaction for improving the performance of your application


There is no point building an app with so much effort when it does not work properly on show devices or if does not load or if it loaded superfast but slowed down in case of interactions. This talk is basically to share my views on performance, its measurement, considerations and its improvement

Speaker bio

In relationship with JS from past 5 yrs. Employee of Flipkart and explorer from heart.


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A meetup for women who write JavaScript (or who want to learn JavaScript). Come discuss your work, interests, and ideas! Look out this space for future meetups. Want to present some interesting idea or talk about informative web development concepts you learnt recently, submit your talk here https:… more