Meetup 8

Girls Who Javascript Meetup 8

Pragya Jha


How to GraphQL

Submitted May 8, 2018

This talk would cover all that needs to get you started for creating your first GraphQl project.



  1. Why should i even bother using GraphQl?
  2. Creating your first GraphQl server- all about schemas
  3. Using Apollo client with React- consuming your GraphQl schemas in your project

Speaker bio

Currently working as Frontend Engineer at Treebo Hotels. Have over 3 years of experience working with Javascript and contributing to some amazing products using D3.JS, React, React-native, Redux, GraphQl, Apollo.



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A meetup for women who write JavaScript (or who want to learn JavaScript). Come discuss your work, interests, and ideas! Look out this space for future meetups. Want to present some interesting idea or talk about informative web development concepts you learnt recently, submit your talk here https:… more