Meetup 17

This is an online meetup for women who write Javascript or who wish to learn Javascript

Aditi Verma


Introduction to React Hooks

Submitted Oct 27, 2020

React has evolved and Hooks are a new addition to it. After having taken a Basic React Workshop with the older version, I will introduce React again, but with hooks.


We will explore implementation of useState, useEffect and useContext in a very simple code base. We will first look at the concept in a minimalistic presentation and then write an implementation of the same in code.


If you have prior knowledge of React, it works better. Otherwise the content will be structured in a way that anyone new can also pick up these new concepts.

Speaker bio

I work as a Digital Analyst for Mckinsey & Company. I am an experienced full stack developer with a demonstrated history of working in the management consulting industry. Skilled in Javascript (ReactJS, Angular, Node) and enjoy teaching and being taught. I have experience in working with React of around 2 years and have good knowledge about surrounding technologies and toolkits.



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A meetup for women who write JavaScript (or who want to learn JavaScript). Come discuss your work, interests, and ideas! Look out this space for future meetups. Want to present some interesting idea or talk about informative web development concepts you learnt recently, submit your talk here https:… more