Meetup 14

This meetup is in Bangalore for women who write Javascript or who wish to learn Javascript

Neha Sharma


Build your PWA app

Submitted Feb 6, 2020

This will be 2-3 hours workshop on building your own PWA app. We will be build an app and make that PWA
by adding features: add to homescreen, offline support, caching pages.

This we can use as the sample app or either ‘portfolio’ app.


  • What is PWA and why we need it?
  • Pros and cons of PWA
  • Building blocks of PWA
  • Introduction to Manifest
  • Introduction to service workers
  • Code-lab
  • What’s next?


  • laptop, chrome browser, android phone, knowledge of HTML,CSS, JavaScript

Speaker bio

My name is Neha Sharma. I have rich web experience and I am working as UI Manager. I love web and when I am not coding I enjoy doing calligraphy.



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A meetup for women who write JavaScript (or who want to learn JavaScript). Come discuss your work, interests, and ideas! Look out this space for future meetups. Want to present some interesting idea or talk about informative web development concepts you learnt recently, submit your talk here https:… more