Meetup 13

This meetup is in Bangalore for women who write Javascript or who wish to learn Javascript

Aditi Verma


ReactJS Workshop

Submitted Mar 12, 2019

ReactJS has become highly popular because of its extra simplicity and flexibility. Part of this huge popularity comes from the fact that top corporations such as Facebook, PayPal, Uber, Instagram, and Airbnb use it day in and day out for frontend web development. React became so popular in no time since it has a growing and healthy community associated with it.
The workshop would be around the use of React parallelly building a project to learn implementation of each concept.


The workshop will be completed in two meetups. In the first meetup we would be covering:

  1. Introduction to react and rendering elements
  2. Creating Components
  3. State and Props
  4. Handling Events
  5. Conditional Rendering
  6. Parallelly working on a handson project

The second meetup would be around:

  1. Lists and Keys
  2. Lifting State Up
  3. Use of hooks
  4. API integration
  5. Wrapping up the project started in first session

What can you expect:

  1. Having understood and implemented above concepts
  2. Have a handy github project ready at the end of it
  3. Can build frontend for a website
  4. Ready for more advanced topics such as : Context API, HOC, Redux, etc


Participants must bring along laptops to be able to build the aforementioned handson project parallelly.

Speaker bio

I work for Mckinsey Digital Labs as a full stack developer. I usually work with nodejs and reactjs. I completed my Btech (IT) from VIT University, Vellore.


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A meetup for women who write JavaScript (or who want to learn JavaScript). Come discuss your work, interests, and ideas! Look out this space for future meetups. Want to present some interesting idea or talk about informative web development concepts you learnt recently, submit your talk here https:… more