Midjourney workshop

Midjourney workshop

A workshop for artists and designers

What is Midjourney?

Along with Stability and Dall-e, Midjourney is one of the most popular text to image AI generators. Midjourney is known for its consistently aesthetically pleasing, refined and artistic results, and for its ease of use as a discord bot.

About generative art

Over the last year, the field of AI art has seen rapid and monumental progress. With these new engines, the way art is being made is revolutionized. No longer do you have to generate moodboards by searching online hoping that something matches the keywords that you want. You can now generate ideas instantly, in the style that you want and one can focus more on art direction and creativity rather than just polishing and rendering works, especially in early stages.

This is going to change how artists, art directors, illustrators, graphic designers, game makers, product designers, architects, fashion designers, book cover artists, comic artists and anyone and everyone who does visual work, does what they do. It already is changing things for these industries and enabling visual creativity for many more people than before including those who wouldn’t normally work with visuals.

Who should attend?

This workshop is great if you fall in two different categories. If you are a visual artist of any kind and you want to understand and leverage Midjourney to speed up and level up your work, you will find this very useful in how you can art direct better. Also if you are someone who generally works in collaboration with visual artists but would love to see their own vision come to reality this workshop will help you in finding ways to plug MidJourney into your workflow.

What will I learn in this workshop?

The workshop will cover the following topics

  • Learning to prompt : how to write prompts which give you the control to make what you want, instead of what the model wants
  • Putting it together : How you can incorporate generative AI art in your creative process
  • An interactive component where we help you build a short 3-4 panel story using MidJourney.

Prerequisites for participating in this workshop

This workshop has no prerequisites other than curiosity.

Software to install before coming to the workshop

You should install discord and signup for midjourney. You get 40 free renders when you signup for midjourney but if you feel so inclined, you can also get a 10$ subscription for a month that will give you 3 hours of generation time. 40 credits is going to be enough for this workshop.

If you have any issues you can mail contactcharutak [at] gmail[dot]com

About the instructors

Divya is a Game and Product designer and she also does illustration work. A lot of her work has been focused on exploring different visual and experience design problems and finding solutions for them. Currently she is working on building an experience design studio with a friend.

Charu is a Game developer and designer. She works across different technologies to bring interesting experiences to life. Right now she is working on some experiences in Virtual reality with Unreal engine.

They are both sisters and often collaborate on making things together. In 2020 they made and released 6 games at the pace of a game a month, that you can check out here. They are currently working on their next game together.

Online workshop

This is a paid workshop, and will be held online, via Zoom.

Contact details

For tickets and inquiries about this workshop, contact Hasgeek at info@hasgeek.com or call (91)7676332020.

Hosted by

Generative AI meetup for ChatGPT, Stable Diffusion/DALL-E and related technologies