FOSSMeet 2020
FOSSMeet is an annual event at NIT Calicut that brings together the Free and Open Source Community from around the country.
FOSSMeet is an annual event at NIT Calicut that brings together the Free and Open Source Community from around the country.
Mujeeb Rahman k
Submitted Mar 4, 2020
The story of how newspaper organisation in Kerala( Janayugom) completely switched their work flow to FOSS including pre press works and accountings. Building a Kubuntu based custom distro Janayugom GNU/ Linux as their main OS and Scribus for layouting purpose.
Moving from proprietary software to Gimp, Inkscape, Krita, Libre office, etc for their other needs. The talk is about the journey of migration, the challenges and the results.
in FSF Newsletter -
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Tweets From kde -
Projector, HDMI Cable, Internet connection, Wireless Microphones, Power Supply
Mujeeb Rahman is managing partner and co-founder of alphafork. he is a full stack web developer, Android Developer and python expert.Speaker about malayalam computing, unicode, django framework, running a blog and youtube channel based on FOSS
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