FOSSMeet 2019

FOSSMeet is an annual event at NIT Calicut that brings together the Free and Open Source Community from around the country.

Subin Siby

Subin Siby


GNU/Linux Desktop Is Cool 😎

Submitted Dec 26, 2018

A very beginner friendly introduction to GNU/Linux Desktop. Last year in FOSSMeet, I saw not everyone were using GNU/Linux OS and still sticking to proprietary OS. They just don’t know the awesomness of GNU/Linux.

2019 is the year of the Linux desktop for everyone ! :)

The aim of my talk is to convince people to switch completely to a Linux OS from proprietary OSs.


  • Different Operating Systems & their differences (Point/Regular Release, Rolling Release)
  • Different DEs & suitability to different users
  • Cool & Fun Apps in GNU/Linux which makes life easier
    • KDE Connect
  • Gaming on Linux

Additional : For students who want to start programming (beginners) :

  • Setting up a development environment in Linux

Here’s the slides (I will update it to add more stuff) :


Curiosity :)

Speaker bio

I’m a GNU/Linux user since I was 10 years old (2010) i.e 8 years of experience with Linux desktop, programming etc.

I’m a 2nd year student and the lead of our college FOSS Club, FOSSersVAST :

I’ve done talks before, last one was at



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FOSSMeet is an annual event on Free and Open Source Software, conducted at National Institute of Technology, Calicut. The funnel is a space for proposals and voting on events. more