FOSSMeet Past, Present and Future...
FOSSMeet: Vision, Mission and Objectives
FOSSMeet: Culture and Collaborations
FOSS and Career..
FOSS and Society
FOSS and Government…
FOSS and Industry
FOSS and Entrepreneurship…
Business and FOSS
FOSS and Community…
I combine my 14+ years of professional system design and development experience along with Design Thinking, System Design and Engineering, Social Engineering, Change Management, Team Building, Mentorship and Training. My main focus is on how we can be better technical and social leaders, engineers and developers by focusing on learning the skills and deeper part engineering and sciences, and skills most of ignore - understanding of community and users. In design thinking, I generally reason things w.r.t. big picture, what should we solve and most important what problems we should not solve. Most of the time early learners generally waste there vital time in solving problems which are not worth to solve, or solve same kind of problems again and again… As a mentor, I love to contribute at these aspect more…
I have consulted, performed trainings, workshops and designed and developed systems for clients in various sectors. Technology in all its forms is part of my makeup and so I think, code, speak, train and make people awesome in there vision and mission. I am strong proponent of Freedom, Openness, Scalability and Sustainability in System Design and Engineering.
I was leading contributor in making and evolving FOSSMeet@NITC in early phases. I lead FOSSMeet 2006 and FOSSMeet 2007 along with wonderful energetic, diverse and vibrant team coming from multiple departments, areas, student clubs, community and industry. We made FOSSMeet@NITC 2nd largest after FOSS.IN, Bangalore, just in 3 years… Let’s meet, share and explore more during 15th edition of FOSSMeet@NITC 2019… and make it awesome...